Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research
Online ISSN : 2758-447X
Print ISSN : 0047-1917
Determination of Leptospiral antigens in naturally infected canine uterus by immunohistochemical immunofluorescence and ELISA methods
Ismail Bolat Yavuz Selim SaglamSeyda CengizSerkan Yildirim
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2024 Volume 71 Issue 3 Pages 95-108


Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by various pathogenic Leptospira serovars. The disease also affects various animal species, especially humans. This disease, widespread in dogs, has become an important public health issue. In this study, uterine tissue and blood samples of 100 naturally infected dogs were examined to detect the presence of Leptospiral antigens. 100 uterine tissue samples were obtained from dogs that underwent ovariohysterectomy in Erzurum. After the uterine tissue was taken into buffered formalin solution, these samples were examined by histopathological, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescence methods. The other part was putting it into the freezer at -20˚C for examinations made by ELISA (IgM and IgG). Blood samples were centrifuged and analyzed in the laboratory using the ELISA (IgG) method. In the histological examinations of uterine tissue samples to determine the cycle periods, findings of 57 proestrus, 14 estrus, 19 diestrus, and 10 anoestrus periods were determined. In the presented study, in uterine tissue samples, in the examinations performed with the immunohistochemical staining method 19%, in the examinations made with the immunofluorescence staining method 24%, and in the examinations performed with the ELISA diagnostic method IgM 4%, and IgG 23.52% were detected. When the blood samples were analyzed using by ELISA diagnostic method, 51% seropositivity was detected. In conclusion, Leptospirosis, found to be positive in both the blood and uterine tissues of dogs by different methods, was found to be quite common in dogs today, and it is thought that this zoonotic disease is a threat to public health.

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© 2024 Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research Editorial Committee, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University
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