Online ISSN : 1880-4004
Print ISSN : 0285-0192
ISSN-L : 0285-0192
浦井 治雄檜高 靖治高田 教正吉岡 伸哉
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

1984 年 8 巻 2 号 p. 157-160


Transfer modes from cache to storage loops in ion-implanted bubble devices with on-chip cache organization have been studied. The advance mode (MODE-A) in data transfer from cache to storage loops (c-s transfer), which is required by the data recurrence condition, was simulated using the gate pseudo-operation technique where current was not applied to the gate conductor. The difference in bubble behaviors in c-s transfer operation among three samples with different δλ values (≡λ100-λ111) can be explained qualitatively based on the lattice strain relaxation model. According to the model, a strong negative chargedwall due to the difference between magnetostriction constants, λ100 and λ111, rises at the pattern edge normal to the [121] direction, which is almost equal to the rotating drive field direction corresponding to the gate pulse end phase for MODE-A operation. A potential barrier formed by the negative charged-wall is found which prevents a bubble from moving in the right direction along the corner pattern edge. Therefore, in order for c-s transfer to operate stably in MODE-A, the difference between λ100 and λ111 must be sufficientlly diminished.

© 1984 (社)日本応用磁気学会
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