Journal of Natural Disaster Science
Online ISSN : 2434-6705
Print ISSN : 0388-4090
Developing Disaster Risk Science
−Discussion on the Disaster Reduction Implementation Science−
Peijun SHIWei XUTao YEChunyang HEJing'ai WANGNing LI
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 32 巻 2 号 p. 79-88


  By reviewing the disaster reduction implementation science system, the necessity of developing disaster risk science is discussed and its preliminary framework is proposed in this paper. At the third IIASA-DPRI Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Okada (2003) presented the disaster reduction implementation science system, that is, the Networking of Vitae System, and expatiated on the structure, function, and system dynamic issues of integrated risk management. Influenced by the Vitae System of integrated risk management and based on the disaster system framework proposed by Shi in 1991, the authors examine the three basic components of disaster risk science, that is, disaster science, emergency technology, and risk management. Building upon these discussions, the structure, function, and dynamic system of integrated risk management are further explored, with the understanding that the core of integrated risk management is to optimize development and disaster reduction, to combine governmental and non-governmental disaster reduction actions, to integrate structural and non-structural countermeasures, and finally to form the regional integrated disaster reduction paradigm.

© 2011 by Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science
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