Online ISSN : 1884-0108
Print ISSN : 0048-0444
ISSN-L : 0048-0444
冨岡 保彦
ジャーナル フリー

1967 年 34 巻 3 号 p. 188-194


In order to obtain an information on abnormalities of the cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenia, Hada studied on the effects of cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenic patients on the glycolysis of the guinea pig brain tissue, and found that the dialyzed cerebrospinal fluid of the most schizophrenic patients contains a substance which inhibits the lactic acid production in the brain cortex slices of guinea pig but that of any other psychotic patients does not. He also found that the inhibitory action of the cerebrospinal fluid on the lactic acid production was lost when it was heated at 60°C for 30 minutes. In this study, the glycolytic activity and the lactic acid production were measured in Krebs-Ringer solution added glucose as the substrate.
Since it has been known that the glycolytic and respiratory activities of brain tissue are activated by the addition of high-concentrations of potassium to the medium (potassium effect) or the omission of calcium from the medium, the author studied on the effects on the cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenic patients on the lactic acid production and the oxygen consumption by brain tissue of guinea pig with or without potassium and calcium.
In the present investigation, three kinds of media ; Krebs-Ringer solution, a medium without added calcium, and with high concentration of potassium were taken for activity measurements.
The slices of brain cortex from guinea pigs were incubated in each medium with the cerebrospinal fluid from psychotic patients and saturated with oxygen.
The oxygen consumption and the lactic acid production were measured by manometric and colorimetric (Barker-Summerson method) techniques, respectively.
The results obtained were as follows:
1) 78 clinical cases, which consisted of schizophrenic group (44 cases) and non-schizophrenic group (34 cases) were investigated.
2) The oxygen uptake of brain tissue did not change by the addition of cerebrospinal fluid of the two groups.
3) The lactic acid production by brain cortex slices was decreased with increasing amount of cerebrospinal fluid from schizophrenic patients than controls.
4) On the contrary, with cerebrospinal fluid from non-schizophrenic patients, the lactic acid production of brain tissue was the same as that measured in the cerebrospinal fluid free medium. But cerebrospinal fluid from three cases of this groups slightly inhibited the lactic acid production.
5) The inhibitory action of the cerebrospinal fluid on the lactic acid production was the same order of magnitude in the two stimulated condition as well as in Krebs-Ringer solution.
It was suggested from the results that inhibitory action of the cerebrospinal fluid on the lactic acid production of brain tissue slices might be based on the same factor as that found by Hada.

© 日本医科大学医学会
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