Online ISSN : 1884-0108
Print ISSN : 0048-0444
ISSN-L : 0048-0444
各務 満喜子
ジャーナル フリー

1981 年 48 巻 5 号 p. 682-691


In order to clarify lipid metabolism in the early stage of cerebral stroke, serum lipid in order to clarify lipid metabolism in the early stage of cerebral stroke, serum lipid peroxide, vitamin E and total cholesterol were measured in 64 patients (28 hemorrhages and 36 infarctions) within one week after the onset and in 42 age-matched healthy controls. Then, their daily transition and mutual relationship were studied. Also, vitamin E and cholesterol in serum lipoprotein fractions were measured in 10 patients and 7 controls, and their relationship with lipid peroxide was studied.
Fluorometric determinations by Yagi for serum lipid peroxide and by Abe, et al. for serum vitamin E were used. Ultracentrifugation method for serum lipoprotein fractions was applied. The results obtained in this investigation are as follows:
1) The level of lipid peroxide was significantly higher in the early stage of cerebral stroke among the cases with fair prognoses compared to the controls. It waass significantly higher in infarction than in hemorrhage. It showed quite a high level for the first two weeks, and it decreased thereafter. The level of lipid peroxide among the deceased cases with poor prognoses was significantly higher compared to the controls. There was no significant difference between hemorrhage and infarction. The high level at the onset of cerebral stroke continued.
2) The level of vitamin E in the early stage of cerebral stroke was significantly lower compared to the controls. There was no significant difference between hemorrhage and infarction. It showed pretty low level among the cases with fair prognoses for the first two weeks, and it increased thereafter. While, among the deceased cases with poor prognoses, the low level at the onset of cerebral stroke continued.
3) The level of total cholesterol in the early stage of cerebral stroke showed no significant difference either in hemorrhage or in infarction compared to the controls. No significant changes were recognized depending on the prognoses.
4) There was a negative correlation between lipid peroxide and vitamin E, while no correlation between lipid peroxide and total cholesterol was revealed. A positive correlation was higher between vitamin E and total cholesterol.
5) The concentration of vitamin E in high-density lipoprotein (HDL-V. E) and of cholesterol in HDL (HDL-Ch) in the early stage of cerebral stroke were significantly lower compared to the controls.
6) The correlation between lipid peroxide and HDL-Ch was negative. A negative correlation was higher between lipid peroxide and HDL-V. E.
The above results may suggest an important role of lipid peroxide, vitamin E and HDL-V. E in the early stage of cerebral stroke.

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