Online ISSN : 1882-4528
Print ISSN : 0030-1558
脳代謝研究施設機能生化学部門最近の研究概説(III) -当研究室で発見された自然発症てんかんモデルマウスについて-
片山 泰人
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 103 巻 3 号 p. 377-380


We discovered that AKR, A/St (A) and C58 mice have convulsive seizures that are similar to the seizures of El mouse. We observed the behavior and EEGs during convulsions, and discussed the relationship between brain monoamines and convulsive predisposition in these mice.
AKR: Clonic/tonic convulsions were induced in 90% of the mice by postual stimuli. Diffuse paroxysmal discharges in EEGs were observed for 30 sec. The contents of DA and 5-HT in striatum decreased at the pre-convulsive stage.
A/St: Tonic convulsion was induced in 85% of the mice by postual stimuli. Diffuse paroxysmal discharges were observed for about 50 sec. Then, sporadic discharges followed for 40 sec. The contents of DA in midbrain and hypothalamus and of 5-HT in midbrain, medulla oblongata and cerebellum increased at the pre-convulsive stage.
C58: Clonic/tonic convulsions were induced in 100% of the mice by postual stimuli. A running fit was followed by a tonic phase. Postictal automatism was observed for several minutes. Diffuse paroxysmal discharges were observed for about 40 sec. After a while, sporadic spikes in EEGs appeared concomitant with the postictal automatism. The content of DA increased in striatum and hippocampus, but decreased in midbrain at the pre-convulsive stage. The content of NA increased in all regions except striatum at the pre-convulsive stage. The content of 5-HT increased in the cortex and medulla oblongata at the pre-convulsive stage.

© 岡山医学会
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