Online ISSN : 1348-3315
Print ISSN : 1342-8284
ISSN-L : 1342-8284
Original Papers
Elucidation of Ion-Pairing Elution Behavior of Anions and Cations in Electrostatic Ion Chromatography Using Water as a Mobile Phase
Tomonari UMEMURA
Author information

2019 Volume 40 Issue 3 Pages 143-148


Peculiar ion-pairing elution behavior of analyte anions with counter cations in electrostatic ion chromatography (EIC) using water as a mobile phase was theoretically elucidated based on the Donnan membrane equilibrium principle and charge balance condition. New parameters, fanion and fcation, containing a fluctuating coefficient, x, which corresponded to capacity factors, were derived from the Donnan equation. The fanion and fcation of the constituent anion and cation in ion-pairing elution were connected with each other by the x, and the capacity factor, kion pair (of co-eluting anion and cation) could be predicted by solving the relation of fanion = fcation for x. The elution volumes for various ion pairs thus semiempirically calculated were in good agreement with those experimentally obtained. In addition, the selective ion-pairing formation in EIC could reasonably be explained by applying the parameters to a modified classical plate theory.

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© 2019 The Society for Chromatographic Sciences
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