Journal of Proteome Data and Methods
Online ISSN : 2434-6454
Benchmarking dataset for optimizing differential expression analysis in label-free quantitative proteomic analysis
Pei-Shan WuSung-Huan YuMiao-Hsia Lin
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Supplementary material

2023 Volume 5 Pages 14-


The identification of accurate differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) is of paramount for proteomics analysis and biological interpretation. Other than the match between runs approach, various imputation and differential expression (DE) strategies have been developed to address the issue of missing values generated by the stochastic nature of data-dependent acquisition in MS-based proteomics1. However, a comprehensive evaluation of the analysis pipelines’ performance in accurately identifying protein candidates is still lacking. To address this gap and benchmark the effectiveness of these methods, a proteomics dataset was generated, which encompasses proteins derived from human, yeast, and drosophila, each present in defined ratios2. The data described here have been deposited to jPOST3,4 with the identifier JPST001395.

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