Journal of Pesticide Science
Online ISSN : 1349-0923
Print ISSN : 1348-589X
ISSN-L : 0385-1559
Regular Articles
A simulation model (PostPLANT-Soil) for predicting pesticide concentrations in succeeding leafy vegetables: II. Validation with experimental data on plant uptake in a growth chamber
Sayuri NamikiKeiya Inao Yutaka MotokiNobuyasu SeikeEiki Watanabe
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Supplementary material

2023 Volume 48 Issue 4 Pages 175-186


We validated a simulation model (PostPLANT-Soil) for predicting pesticide concentrations in succeeding leafy vegetables reported in our first paper in this series, which includes the pesticide sorption process into plant roots. As a result of the model validation with the measured data from a plant uptake study in a growth chamber, the model successfully simulated the concentration changes of pesticides in a plant shoot. However, the simulated shoot concentrations for several pesticides were overestimated compared to the measured values. The leafy vegetable (Brassica rapa) used in this study probably has a high metabolic ability for the fungicide flutolanil from the result of the uptake study under a hydroponic condition.

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