Print ISSN : 0582-4664
西川 栄三山本 晴次豊口 満
ジャーナル フリー

1960 年 3 巻 7 号 p. 547-551


It has been supposed in popular by some engineers that the containing of solid paraffins in paving asphalts would have some undesirable influences upon the properties of the asphalts, but the relations between the quantities of solid paraffins and the properties of the asphalts, have not yet been made clear. First of all, the solution of this subject requires to establish the method of the estimation of solid paraffins contained in paving asphalts. Several methods have so far been used for the estimation of solid paraffins, but their objects of estimation are not always the same, and consequently the results of estimation thus obtained are very different each other according to the method chosen. Assuming that crystalline paraffins or solid normal paraffins might have the largest influences upon the properties of asphalts, our work was carried out to study the method of estimation of solid normal paraffins contained in paving asphalts, using antimony pentachloride as a decomposing agent. The study has proved that this method showed good repeatability and reproducibility for estimation without low temperature cooling and could be used as a rapid method of estimating solid normal paraffins contained in asphalts.

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