Online ISSN : 1884-0728
Print ISSN : 0385-2385
ISSN-L : 0385-2385
赤木 太郎戸塚 大輔太田 恵子高瀬 茂柴田 孝則斉藤 研一伊藤 正吾杉崎 徹三
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 29 巻 8 号 p. 1047-1056


It has been reported that the glomerular deposits detectable by immunofluorescence staining for IgG are completely dissociated after incubation of tissue sections with human γ-globulin, Seven cases of idiopathic MN, three of MPGN and seven of LN were demon-strated IgG deposits along glomerular capillary walls in granular pattern and were con-firmed that the IgG in glomeruli were dissociated after incubation with human γ-globulin, but not with sheep, rabbit or rat γ-globulin, Furthermore, the dissociation of IgG were observed following incubation with plasmin-treated, PEG-treated, sulfonated human γ-globulin and Fc fragments, but not pepsin-treated human γ-globulin, indicating that Fc fragment play an important role for the dissociation. On the basis of these findings, all patients were treated with large intravenous dose of plasmin-treated globulin (5 g/day, 6 times for two weeks). In 14/17 patients the urine protein and/or hematuria remarkably decreased or disappeared within 7 days to 40 days During 3 years of observation 14/17 patients with these renal diseases could be maintained in improved status from nephrotic syndrome. No untoward effects of γ-globulin therapy were observed. Thus, administra-tion of high-dose intravenous γ-gloubulin is useful treatment for MN, MPGN and LN.

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