Online ISSN : 1884-0728
Print ISSN : 0385-2385
ISSN-L : 0385-2385
丹羽 利充矢澤 智子前田 憲志伊勢 道仁菅野 三喜男小玉 富美雄上原 康夫
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 32 巻 6 号 p. 695-701


Indoxyl sulfate is a metabolite of tryptophan. Indole is synthesized in intestine from tryptophan by intestinal bacteria. The absorbed indole is converted to indoxyl sulfate through indoxyl in liver. Serum concentration of indoxyl sulfate is markedly increased as an inhibitor of drug-binding in uremic patients as compared with healthy subjects. Since indoxyl sulfate is bound to serum albumin, it cannot be removed efficiently by hemodialysis, and it tends to accumulate in uremic serum. To determine if oral sorbent, AST-120, could adsorb Indole in intestine and then decrease serum concentration of indoxyl sulfate, it was administered to nephrectomized uremic rats. Serum concentration of indoxyl sulfate was markedly decreased in uremic rats fed with oral sorbent as compared with control uremic rats. However, serum concentrations of creatinine and urea nitrogen were not significantly decreased in the uremic rats fed with oral sorbent as compared with the control uremic rats. Serum concentration of tryptophan was not decreased but rather increased in the uremic rats fed with oral sorbent as compared with the control uremic rats. Concentration of indoxyl sulfate in bile of a uremic rat was much lower than that in the uremic serum, suggesting that the adsorption of indoxyl sulfate in intestine is not a major mechanism of decreasing the serum concentration of indoxyl sulfate. These results demonstrate that oral sorbent, AST-120, can decrease serum concent-ration of indoxyl sulfate in uremia due to adsorption of indole in intestine.

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