Online ISSN : 2434-835X
Print ISSN : 0386-9598
山口 智史佐々木 司
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 60 巻 3 号 p. 150-153


Background: Emphasis on importance of evidence-based educational practices has been recently increasing. The US government, for example, has announced that they would not financially support new educational practices which are not evidence-based. Most of schools, however, may not acknowledge its importance and only few evidence-based practices have been developed or conducted in schools.

Objective: To examine reasons why the evidence-based practices have not been prevailing in schools

Methods: We reviewed studies addressing how often teachers participate in educational research and employ evidence from educational research in their practices. Studies about impressions and thoughts which teachers have on the research were also reviewed.

Results: Only few teachers have engaged in educational research, and evidence from the research is rarely utilized in educational programs and practices. Teachers tend to think that research is not helpful or useful in practical situations. They also seem to have an impression that research is conducted without considering real-world situations of school settings. An intervention study has, however, observed that improving teachers’ access to educational research might help teachers to consider educational research helpful in schools. Researchers should respect practical situations in schools when they conduct educational research. Careful explanations of the results of research including feed-backs to teachers may be important to increase teachers’attention on, and practical use of evidence from, research in schools. In addition, pre-service teachers should be taught methodology of research and how to employ evidence from educational research.

Conclusion: School teachers in general may not have positive impressions on, or use evidence from, educational research, which could be improved by researchers’attention and careful respects to schools and teachers. Curriculum for teacher education may also need to be improved.

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