Online ISSN : 2434-835X
Print ISSN : 0386-9598
齋藤 彩乃田中 佑樹野中 俊介嶋田 洋徳
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 60 巻 5 号 p. 277-284


Background: During adolescence, stress arising from having to engage in after-school club activity(“club activity stress”)is one of the causes of school maladjustment. However, most studies have focused on specific demographic variables as predictors of club activity stress, which makes it difficult to understand club activity stress holistically. In addition, in stress management education, demographic variables are difficult to change.

Objective: The present study examined the effect of subjective psychological commitment to club activity on coping selection

Methods: In this study, 502 adolescents who take part in club activities at school (146 junior high school students, 185 high school students, 171 university students; 224 females, 278 males; mean age 16.9±2.9), completed a questionnaire about cognitive appraisal of stressors, strategies for coping with stress, and psychological commitment to club activity. Multiple group structural equation modeling was used to analyze the completed questionnaires.

Results: Higher affective commitment predicted more use of “catharsis” and “problem-solving” strategies among university students. Furthermore, higher normative commitment predicted more use of “catharsis” strategies among junior high school students, “diversion”, “catharsis”, “problem-solving”, and “affirmative interpreting” strategies among high school students, and “affirmative interpreting” strategies among university students.

Conclusion: In stress management education for club activity stress, promotion of normative commitment among high school students, and affective commitment among university students, would facilitate the flexible use of various coping strategies.

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