Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
小柳 知彦石川 登喜治
ジャーナル フリー

1973 年 64 巻 1 号 p. 67-74


153 female patients with recurrent urinary infection were seen between July 1971 and December 1971 at the Urology clinic of the Hokkaido University Hospital. The age distribution was from 2 year-to 76 year-old. 25 cases harbored well explicable underlying conditions for recurrent infection. Other 128 cases required more detailed functional studies to explain its pathogeneses and to outline the proper treatment. Distal urethral stenosis, the majority of which was found in women over 50 year old, was thought to be etiologically significant in only 12% of the cases. Faulty voiding habit either by infrequent voiding or by frequent holding of the urge to void, was the primary cause of recurrence in 48%. Latent uninhibited ngB was found in 10%. Success rate in the prevention of recurrence was increased by the regimen of frequent voiding among infrequent voiders and by the concommitant administration of anticholinergic in patients with uninhibited ngB. The role of hydrostatic pressure must be a significant factor in patients with recurrent urinary infection.

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