Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
99mTc-DTPAとγシンチカメラを用いた膀胱動態の体外計測 (予報)
宮崎 亮内藤 政男西蔭 雄二三本 重治増岡 忠道伊勢 谷修本田 義和増田 由美
ジャーナル フリー

1975 年 66 巻 11 号 p. 770-780


Recently, 99mTc-(Sn)-DTPA has been used for γ-camera renography and reno-scitnigram. In this study, 99mTc-(Sn)-DTPA and γ-camera was used for a dynamic study of urinary bladder to obtain accumulating cystogram curve, vesico scintigram and voiding cystogram.
The instrument used was Picker's Dynacamera 2C with Data Store Playback System and Hitac 10
II Mini Computer.
1-2 mci of 99mTc-DTPA was injected intravenously. The radio activity of γ-ray at the skin level of the low abdominal midline was recorded by external body counting after hydration (300-500cc of water by mouth) and urination.
Clinical study was performed on 65 cases. Accumulating cystogram curve was obtained on 8 cases, vesico-scintigram in 22 cases and voiding cystogram curve in 25 cases.
Details of typical cases, including normal, urinary bladder tumor, vesico ureteral reflux, urethral stricture and benign prostate hypertrophy, were reported.
The method of 99mTc-(Sn)-DTPA and γ-Camera has been proved to be a useful, dynamic study of the urinary bladder, which is done more quickly, simply, safely and non-toxically by external body counting.

© 社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
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