Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
第1編 腎実質縫合法の技術的変遷と腎実質一層縫合法の意義
福岡 洋
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 440-449


The principle of treatment for staghorn calculi and the indication of nephrolithotomy have been described. In nephrolithotomy, operative technique, especially the method of parenchymal suture, has several variations but there is no convulsive method.
In 1967, Dr. Taguchi originally designed a new method of parenchymal suture and he has performed it in more than 50 patients with good result. In his operation, closure of the renal parenchymal incision is made with one layer interrupted suture from pelvic mucosa to renal capsule by 2-0 plain cat gut. Hemostatic suture or ligation and the suture of pelvic mucosa are not necessary. Therefore, the operative technique is very simple and the clamp time of renal pedicle can be shortened.
The ways of renal parenchymal suture in nephrolithotomy were classified into 6 groups. They were:
1. The method without suture at all
a) sutureless nephrotomy
b) wrapping kidney in Oxycel gauze
2. The method of capsular suture
a) interrupted or continuous suture of renal capsule only
b) subcapsular circular suture
3. The method of interposition of muscle, fatty tissue or others
4. Mattress suture and its variations
a) horizontal mattress suture
b) vertical mattress suture
c) plate suture
5. The method of parenchymal suture other than mattress suture
a) U-shaped suture in margin of renal incision
b) interrupted suture of renal parenchyma
6. Anatrophic nephrotomy (by Boyce, W. H. et al)
One layer interrupted suture of renal wound originally designed by Dr. Taguchi belongs to the group 5-b, but it is considered the simplest and the most advanced technique.

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