Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
今村 一男吉田 英機斉藤 豊彦桧垣 昌夫吉田 兼司
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 70 巻 10 号 p. 1164-1167


In the chemical compositions of the urinary stone, cholesterol is very rare. We reported a first case of pure cholesterol stone in Japan.
The patient, 48-year-old male, was hospitalized on November 24, 1977 for anuria following colic pain on the right flank during 3 days.
He was operated on for left nephrectomy under the diagnosis of left renal stones in 1967 and operated again for right ureterolithotomy under right ureteral stone in 1971.
On the same day as admission (1977), two stones were removed by right ureterolithotomy. The composition of these stones analysed by infrared spectroscopy were phosphate calcium (Fig. 2). Being followed for two months after the discharge at his home, multiple stones were passed spontaneously (Fig. 3). On February 9, 1978, he came to our hospital with anuria and was done right nephrostomia. These calculi, passed spontaneously, were analysed as pure cholesterol stones by infrared spectrophotometer (Fig. 4).
His urinary excretion levels of cholesterol was markedly elevated to 133mg/24hrs, but the excretion, measured in 10 cases of healthy subjects, was negative.

© 社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会