Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1347-4073
Print ISSN : 0031-9015
ISSN-L : 0031-9015
Highly Isotropic Magnetoresistances of High Sheet-Resistance Copper-Particle Films
J. J. LinRen–ichi YamadaShun–ichi Kobayashi
ジャーナル 認証あり

1994 年 63 巻 12 号 p. 4514-4520


We have measured the magnetoresistances in ≈ 30-Å-thick Cu-particle films between 1.2 and 4.2, K and in magnetic fields H up to 6, T, with sheet resistances R_{\lang}(4.2, K) of the films varying from ≈ 8, kΩ to 2, MΩ . We find that the magnetoresistances are positive, exhibiting broad maxima, at low H, while they change sign and become negative at high H (typically, around 4, T). The magnitudes of the normalized magnetoresistances, ΔR_{\lang}(H)/R_{\lang}(0)=[R_{\lang}(H)-R_{\lang}(0)]/R_{\lang}(0), are of the order of a tenth of a percent or smaller, depending on the values of R_{\lang}. Particularly, the magnetoresistances are highly isotropic, regardless of the orientation of H being applied parallel or perpendicular to the film plane. These observations are closely connected with the fine-particle structure of our films, and can be qualitatively explained in terms of Zeeman effects in producing magnetoresistances in strongly localized, interacting electrons.



© The Physical Society of Japan 1994
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