Online ISSN : 1884-4553
Print ISSN : 0915-5104
ISSN-L : 0915-5104
滝沢 文雄田中 愛高橋 浩二
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 29 巻 1 号 p. 29-45


This paper is a part of the study of formation process of one's view of the human body. The purpose of this paper is to compare the result of questionnaires about one's view of the human body from a phenomenological standpoint. One's view of the human body in this paper means the general one concerning one's own body and others' body. The questionnaires include the following three major points: (1) viewpoint of human body, (2) formation factors of one's view of the human body, (3) relationship between mind and body.
The conclusion of this paper is as follows:
Although there certainly exists environmental originality of one's view of the human body in each nation, it varies in geographical condition, history, generation and sexuality even in a nation. One's view of the human body is based on four flames of thinking; (1) feeling, (2) practice, (3) learning, (4) image. Additionally, it is influenced by level of each factor's importance.
Therefore the formation process of one's view of the human body depends on culture. It can be said that one's view of the human body is the result of learning. People have tended to make the scientific view in contemporary life as the result of respect to the scientific knowledge in education. However, as we can see in Japan, this view has formed the undesirable view of the human body. Therefore, we PE teachers should show the ideal view of the human body and educate the view.

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