1977 Volume 22 Issue 4 Pages 145-149
In previous papers15), an alteration of protein in rat uterine fluid, and physicochemical and immunological analysis of protein components in uterine fluid and serum were studied.
In the present report, it was designed to compare uterine fluid with serum other external secretions for immunoglobulins and other protein components.
Results obtained were as follows:
1. Protein components in serum and colostrum whey fractionated by sephadex-G200 column chromatography, were analyzed by disc electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis (Figs. 13). Uterine fluid and intestinal fluid (Figs. 4 & 6) were resolved into only two peaks although the fractionation of the uterine fluid protein by the use of sepharose-6B column chromatography obtained several peaks (Fig. 5). Their protein patterns represented the immunoglobulins and specific protein components in each secretions.
2. Physicochemical properties of proteins in serum, uterine fluid, colostrum whey and intestinal fluid were furthermore analyzed by means of SDS gel electrophoresis. Specificity and community of protein components in each secretions were showed in Fig. 7.
3. It was confirmed by immunochemical analysis that some of the specific protein in uterine fluid appeared in other external secretions (Fig. 8).