2019 Volume 14 Issue 1 Pages 87-94
Objective: This study investigates the presence or absence of reminiscence experiences in older adults when using aromas. Focusing on 40 scents familiar to Japanese people, our objective was to determine points of caution for aroma selection and use in reminiscence therapy.
Materials and Methods: The participants were 118 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years and older. They were asked about the experience of recalling the past in response to stimuli of 40 aromas on the Japanese version of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT-J). In addition, an olfactory visual analog scale (VAS) was used to evaluate olfactory function. Furthermore, a questionnaire-based survey was administered instead of asking participants to actually smell the odorants in the UPSIT-J.
Results: At least 70% of the participants experienced recalling the past triggered by 16 aromas including sandalwood and yuzu fruit. Furthermore, 15 of the scents demonstrated a significant association with age, gender, and olfactory function.
Conclusion: These results suggest the importance of considering method, age, and gender when selecting olfactory stimuli. In addition, frequently recalled aromas might evoke reminiscence in older adults.