Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life
Online ISSN : 2352-6386
Print ISSN : 2405-9021
Li-Fi Technology for Enhanced Communication and Safety in Coal Mining
Mastaneh Mokayef Myadadha Goutham ReddyMHD Amen SummakiehAtefeh Mohammadpour
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2023 年 10 巻 2 号 p. 170-178


In the coal mining industry, numerous hazardous risks such as gas explosions, temperature fluctuations, and humidity variations pose challenges in terms of monitoring and control. This paper introduces a proposed method that utilizes Li-Fi technology for data transmission. Equipped with sensors, this system provides real-time situation updates to coal miners, ensuring their safety. Among the dangerous gases in coal mining, carbon monoxide (CO) is a significant concern. To address this, specific sensors are employed and connected to a core component, the microcontroller, which is strategically placed throughout the coal mine. When the concentration level exceeds a predetermined threshold, an alarm is triggered, and a notification is sent to the central database, alerting the workers. By overcoming issues like slow data transmission or data loss, Li-Fi offers a solution that enhances safety and improves working conditions for laborers in the coal mining sector.

© 2023 ALife Robotics Corporation Ltd.

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