Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life
Online ISSN : 2352-6386
Print ISSN : 2405-9021
Fuzzy Theory Applied in Identification System for Tiny Self-Driving Cars
Chun-Chieh Wang
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2022 年 9 巻 3 号 p. 263-267


In this paper, a fuzzy theory based identification system has been developed to improve the self-driving image recognition technology. The Raspberry Pi microprocessor is used as the main controller of the car. The author writes a Python program to deal with the image recognition problem. The image processing techniques include grayscale, binarization, morphology, image cutting and so on. There are four main functional tests in the scenario setting. It includes road identification, conversion of lane turning arc into front wheel turning angle, intersection identification, and traffic light identification. The purpose is to verify the functionality of fuzzy-based identified self-driving cars. The experimental results show that the developed recognition system based on fuzzy theory can successfully improve the recognition effect and reduce the probability of self-driving walking errors.

© 2022 ALife Robotics Corporation Ltd.

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