Online ISSN : 2187-2635
Print ISSN : 1340-8240
ISSN-L : 1340-8240
靏 理恵子
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 9 巻 2 号 p. 49-60


   Since the late 1980s, studies on Japanese women in rural areas have become very popular. As an example, in 1994 the Japanese Association for Rural Studies set aside a session entitled “Agriculture and Women: the changes of labor and consciousness.” Furthermore, in 1995, in order to clearly outline the current research trends, the above-mentioned association published the “Annual Bulletin of Rural Studies vol.31 special issue Independent Women in Family Farm Management” after this topic had been discussed at a study session. From the numerous past studies, now we realize that women in rural Japan has made full use of their capabilities. However, the background and factors promoting women’s empowerment needs to be clarified and put into perspective. It is important to study the social process and interaction between Ie, Mura and women in detail.
   In this paper, the objective is to highlight women’s empowerment, social constriction, how they adjusted or solved their problems. I have made several suggestions on the background and factors promoting women’s empowerment.
   From the eleven cases I researched, results show that women who experienced social constraints still managed to gradually change their conservative social norms, obtained cooperation from their family members, or eventually accepted by men and admitted into the community. People in the rural society encourage the efforts women make to change themselves although some tasks do remain to be solved. The family members, especially the husbands support them. In numerous instances, it seems new social environments do exist.

© 2003 日本村落研究学会
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