Online ISSN : 1883-6097
Print ISSN : 0300-0818
ISSN-L : 0300-0818
体外循環に伴う血清Coenzyme Q10の活性値の変動に関する研究
鬼頭 義次小原 邦義小坂井 嘉夫川副 浩平江郷 洋一藤井 尚文高野 久輝梅津 光生内藤 泰顕曲直部 寿夫
ジャーナル フリー

1981 年 10 巻 2 号 p. 397-400


Coenzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is a critical component of the electron transport chain and also has regulatory influences on the NADH dehydrogenesis of complex one in the chain. As the Co Q10 is labile exzyme, in the mitochondria, Co Q10 is lost from the membrane during ischemia which causes depletion of high energy phosphates. In the valvular heart diseases, level of Co Q10 remain low which causes biochemical and structurial changes of mitochondria.
The purpose of the present study is to establish whether Co Q10 is lost from mitichondria resulting decrease in blood Co Q10 by extracorporeal circulation, and then to establish whether Co Q10 can be used prophylactically to protect depletion of Co Q10.
The study was carried out on 52 adults patients who underwent open heart surgery, and devided in two groups; pretreated (n=20) and non-treated (n=32) with Co Q10 group.
In conclusion, pretreatment with Co Q10 resulted in high level of Co Q10 in blood, and less diminished the level of blood Co Q10 to some extent by extracorporeal circulation. However, the level of Co Q10 of pretreated group reached to same level as that of nontreatedgroup on two days after operation, and no significant diference was observed between two groups when the time of extracorporeal circulation exceeded more than 3 hours. Pretreatment with Co Q10 produce high level of Co Q10 in blood which may protect the heart from irreversible cardiac failure.

© 一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
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