Online ISSN : 1883-6097
Print ISSN : 0300-0818
ISSN-L : 0300-0818
Disposable Humidifier(人工鼻)の臨床応用(第4報)
井上 健治竹内 靖夫辻 隆之城間 賢二徳地 孝一吉川 哲夫小山 雄二成味 純落 雅美小林 洋金子 秀美須磨 幸臓岩淵 汲戸川 達男
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 71-74


Patients associated with pulmonary hypertension are apt to develop respiratory failure after open heart surgery. Therefore, we performed pulmonary function tests before and after cardiac operation. In addition, during the postoperative period, the alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference (A-aDo2) and pulmonary shunt ratio (Qs/Qt) were determined in 36 patients. The patients were divided to three groups, depending on preoperative pulmonary pressures.
The group 1;9 patients with pulmonary hypertension.
The group 2;18 patients without pulmonary hypertension.
The group 3;9 patients with tetralogy of Fallot.
The group 1 showed the lowest value of percent vital capacity, suggesting restrictive lesions. The lowest values of percent maximum minute breathing volume, air velocity index and forced vital capacity suggesting obstructive lesions were shown in the group 1.
Paco2 were between 28 torr and 35.4 torr in the each group.
Therefore, normal alveolar ventilation were observed in each group.
Pao2 was lowest in group 1.
However, both A-aDo and Qs/Qt were highest in the group 1. It was suggested that numerous scattered atelectasis or patch atelectasis played the whole or major roles in abnormality of the indices in the group 1. In the group 1, We could often observe atelectasis because of insufflation of dry gas due to non-rebreathing method.
Preventing postoperative respiratory complications due to dried airway, a disposable condenser humidifier (artificial nose) was employed during operation. Animal experiments and clinical results showed that the preservation of respiratory function was attained by using the artificial nose in terms of A-aDo2 and Qs/Qt. In addition, electromicroscopic studies indicated better preservation of mucociliary epithelium of the bronchus in the group treated with DH.
It was concluded that DH was effective for preservation of respiratory function during and after operation.

© 一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
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