Online ISSN : 2758-0598
藤川 和俊
キーワード: 運動技術, 実践, 体育史
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 1 巻 p. 33-42


    Physical education classes in Japan between 1920 and 1940 have been criticized for requiring students to attain perfection in high-level movement techniques with no regard for their growth and development, and the use of only a limited range of teaching materials over a long period. It has also been pointed out that the more enthusiastic the school, the more intensely it pursued movement techniques. This study analyzes the ideas and practices of Tobe Elementary School, which was famous for its physical education among the overall teaching materials that were undertaken. The study results are summarized as follows:
1. Tobe Elementary School saw the inferior physique and physical strength of its students as a challenge and made it its mission to improve them through research on gymnastics between 1910 and 1940.
2. While Tobe Elementary School valued gymnastics highly, it was also critical of play and games. Looking at the list of teaching materials, Tobe Elementary School added many gymnastics teaching materials that were not included in the ministryʼs curriculum guidelines.
3. The teaching at Tobe Elementary School was criticized for being biased in favor of gymnastics. As for gymnastics, free gymnastics was highly praised, while gymnastics was criticized for the bias of the teaching materials and the low level of studentsʼ motor skills.
    As mentioned before, Tobe Elementary School focused on gymnastics, but the primary goal was to improve the physical fitness of the students, not just to pursue movement techniques. Rather, they were trying to meet the challenges faced by students living in the city.

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