Online ISSN : 2187-4085
Print ISSN : 0386-3417
ISSN-L : 0386-3417
A-12. Prothrombin及びATIII値と病態
堀 隆彦関 知次郎塚田 勝比呂平野 真
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 19 巻 p. 62-67


Chromogenic substrates were used to determine anti-thrombin III (AT-III) and prothrombin (Pro-T)in plasma. As an activator for prothrombin, ecarin was proved to be better than tissue thromboplastin, for it was not affected when assaying samples from patients with V-K deficiency.
Two substrates (S-2238 & RM601-2) for thrombin gave similar results with correlation coefficient of 0.97. In comparison with single radial inununodiffusion method and with fibrinogenagar plate method, these chromogenic substrate methods were seemed to be simpler in manual, shorter in time for completion and more accurate in results.
When there is no particular disorder in clotting states, AT-III and Pro-T levels in plasma may be measures for synthesizing activities of the liver. To evaluate AT-III and Pro-T values clinically, they were compared with other routine liver function tests using six groups of patients with liver diseases classified by needle biopsy.
In acute hepatitis, AT-III and Pro-T showed different behavior with other tests suggesting their potent usefulness in prognosis. Of the six groups, patients with cirrhoses (non-compensated phase) showed lowest values reflecting severe damages in the liver.
It was also demonstrated that repeated assays of AT-III and Pro-T with short time intervals could give characteristic measures to follow up observations in the course of liver diseases.

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