Online ISSN : 1882-7187
Print ISSN : 0289-7806
ISSN-L : 0289-7806
山本 泰彦秋山 淳
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 1988 巻 390 号 p. 171-178


Popout characteristics of concretes incorporating ferro-nickel slags as their fine aggregate were examined under various conditions for a long period of time. Of seven kinds of slags used in the test, three were found to cause the popout of concrete althouh the popout occured only when the concrete was stored under a moist condition. A particle of either white, whitish gray or reddish brown color was always observed to exist at the center of each popout. The X-ray diffraction analysis of the particle revealed that it was consisted of almost 100% brucite regardless of its color, indicating that the popout was caused by the hydration and the resulted expansion of some slag particles which were mainly composed of free MgO. The free MgO was considered to have existed in the molten stage of slags and remained unhydrated during their chilling process at their drawing time from furnaces. Some effective means of producing stable slags were also discussed briefly.

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