Online ISSN : 1881-0888
Print ISSN : 0387-754X
ISSN-L : 0387-754X
放電ワイヤカットの研究 (第1報)
福井 雅彦木下 夏夫蒲生 剛太郎野村 吉行
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 11 巻 22 号 p. 89-99


This paper deals with the fundamental problem on the wire electrode breaking in the Wire EDM with RC and transistor switching circuit.
In the first step, it is examined how to avoid wire electrode breaking phenomena from the electrical condition, the mechanical condition, workpiece condition, wire speed condition, etc..
In the second step, it is thought that wire breaking is closely connected with the wear of the wire. And so, the tensile strength and the diameter of the wire after working is examined from calculation and experiment. And slso the discharge rate and the wire breaking condition is examined from experiment.
These results show that the discharge concentration influences the wire electrode breaking.
These results make it possible to select the experimental condition and method, avoiding the discharge concentration.

© 社団法人 電気加工学会
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