Online ISSN : 1881-0888
Print ISSN : 0387-754X
ISSN-L : 0387-754X
久保田 護田村 祐二
ジャーナル フリー

1982 年 15 巻 30 号 p. 30-38


ECM, EDM, and mechanical grinding are widely used for the machining of hard to cut materials. Duplex combined processes of them, i. e. electrochemical-discharge machining, electrochemical grinding, and electrodischarge grinding compounded with abrasive grains were researched and developed before, but any triplex process has never been reported. This paper describes the character of the triplex combined machining and presents some performances of it using a nickel coated grinding wheel or a graphite pieces ieserted one.
Experiments were carried out by a reconstructed tool grinding machine with a direct current power source. Work materials were mild steel, high carbon tool steel, stainless steel, and high speed steel. Electrolyte used is 20% water solution of sodium nitrate.
Experimental results obtained are as follows:
1) Triplex combined process brings about negative effects if its characteristics are not investigated enough previously.
2) With a nickel coated wheel triplex process can be performed in a condition of slight sparking and main electrochemical grinding.
3) Using a graphite pieces inserted wheel triplex process shows good performance with main mechanical removal in heavy discharge and less electrolysis.

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