Online ISSN : 1881-0888
Print ISSN : 0387-754X
ISSN-L : 0387-754X
高精度微細軸加工の研究 (第1報)
増沢 隆久藤野 正俊
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 24 巻 48 号 p. 14-23


Production of various micro-spindles is now an urgent problem in relation with the rapid change of industrial parts and tools towards miniaturization. A new micro EDM application is proposed to realize the formation of micro-spindles of which the diameter is between 0.5mm and several micrometers. The principle of the method consists in using a travelling wire as an electrode to form the spindle by EDM. Differently from known WEDM, the wire is guided by a single guide and machining takes place at a guided part of the wire. An extreme precision is guaranteed by this mechanism. According to the similarity to a grinding process, the method is named wire electrodischarge grinding (WEDG). Experimental results proved the applicability of this method to automated production of very fine spindles.

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