Online ISSN : 1881-0888
Print ISSN : 0387-754X
ISSN-L : 0387-754X
増沢 隆久佐田 登志夫
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 4 巻 8 号 p. 35-43


This paper shows a new type source for EDM The mechanism of its circuit and some results of experiments about the source are discussed.
The circuit produces a series of current pulses without any pulse generator or energy storing element, and has many superiorities to general transistor-switching-or RC-circuit, as follows.
1) The shape of produced pulses is originally uniform.
2) The pause time between each pulse can easily be shortened to less than 0.5μs. Then, the frequency of discharge can be over 1Mc/s.
3) when short or semi-short circuit occurs, main current is instantly decreased nearly to zero. (Ideal for wirecutting machines.)
4) As the circuit itself is a sort of generator, it is far simpler than conventional transistor circuit. So, it can be made compact, for example, 100mm×50mm×50mm.
This new source gave the removal rate of 22mg/min when the surface roughness was 2.0μRz. This proves the high quality of this circuit.
The principle can be applied to medium or rough range of EDM.

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