Online ISSN : 1884-5746
ISSN-L : 1884-9938
子宮鏡下手術 (TCR) の前処置としての1相性低用量ピル (デソゲストレル・エチニルエストラジオール: マーベロン21) の有効性について
高島 明子大高 究斉藤 麻由美石田 洋昭安田 豊川島 秀明斉藤 智博深谷 暁矢野 ともね木下 俊彦臼井 彰
キーワード: 1相性低用量ピル
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 24 巻 2 号 p. 370-373


Hysteroscopic procedures are best performed when the endometrium is thin, but it is not always possible to schedule the procedure at the appropriate time. The aim of this study was to describe the endometrial effects of medical pre-treatment with oral contraceptives (OC) and increase the ease and safety of the procedure. Patients underwent pretreatment with lowdose OC beginning on menstrual days 1-3. The surgery was scheduled on days 7-25 of the second cycle of OC administration. Estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) on the first and the second cycle of OC administration were statistically similar (p<0.01) . There was unpredictable bleeding in 27% of the patients on the first cycle of OC administration. The endometrium surrounding the lesions of interest was almost always thin and flat, such that the operating conditions were excellent. Pretreatment of the endometrium before surgery with OC has been shown to reduce the thickness and vascularity of the endometrium, decrease the amount of tissue removed, improve visualization, reduce operating time and fluid deficits, and increase the ease and safety of procedure. The basis for the effect is due to OC with minimal doses of E2 and P4, thus causing endometrial atrophy.

© 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会
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