Online ISSN : 1884-1422
Print ISSN : 1349-449X
ISSN-L : 1349-449X
山根 真紀武田 文
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2018 年 15 巻 1 号 p. 69-76


In this study, we clarified the level of mental health of elderly people participating in Masters Ski(MS), and examined the relationship between MS activity status and reason for participation in MS. The target was 717 MS participants registered in the Ski Association of Japan and an anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted. Of the 453 people(collection rate 63.2%) who responded, 352 did so(responsive response rate 49.1%) without any defect in response; were analyzed from 124 subjects over 65 years old. Results revealed that the proportion of those with good mental health was significantly higher among young-older MS participants than the general population. In addition, the factor related to mental health was “the Self-rated Health” and the reason for implementation was “to participate in the competition and games.” In other words, the risk of poor mental health was low in those who had a high Self-rated Health and those who cited “to participate in competition or games” as the reason for implementation. From the above, it was found that the mental health of young-old participating in Masters Skiing is better than that of the general population, and the tendency to participate in the event and the level of the Self-rated Health could be factors that increase mental health.

© 2018 日本スキー学会
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