Online ISSN : 2424-1423
Print ISSN : 0437-6161
ISSN-L : 0437-6161
金川 琢雄
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 1987 巻 39 号 p. 102-107,216


We have conducted a survey on doctor's explanation and patient's consent in medical consultation.
(1) The sample of the survey consisted of the all medical practitioners in Ishikawa Prefecture (1981 doctors) and the voters in Kanazawa City (2452 voters). The response rate was approximately 40% for both groups.
(2) The survey was designed to yield some basic data which may be used to solve the legal problems surrounding the issue of the informed consent of patients.
(3) The final conclusion needs to wait for more detailed examination of the data. However, it may be said that in general both doctors and citizens recognize the patient's right of self-decision. The higher the level of medical invasion and disturbances the more frequent are explanations given and consent obtained thus enhancing the rights-character of the self-decision of the patient.

© 日本法社会学会
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