Online ISSN : 2185-0976
Print ISSN : 0037-4342
ISSN-L : 0037-4342
斎藤 歌子
ジャーナル フリー

1954 年 14 巻 5 号 p. 377-382


The author had an opportunity to observe 46 out of 172 cases of Izumi fever occurred among the shicool children of the Azabu Primary School located Minato-ku, Tokyo in March, 1952. Of the 46 cases, 19 were treated with streptomycin, 13 with penicillin and sulfa drugs and the remaining 12 were taken as controls. Evaluations were made by the shortening of the primary febrile period, prolongation of the time interval between the primary and secondary febrile periods, frequency of the presence of the secondary febrile period, shortening of the secondary febrile period, and the betterment of the subjective symptoms in the each of the types of the disease.
As the results of the present observations, the group treated with streptomycin demonstrated the prolongation of the time interval between the primary and secondary febrile periods, shortening of the secondary febrile period, and lytic recovery from the fever, were also noted, but these were noted in the other groups as well. However, streptomycin treated group demonstrated more frequently, consequently, the above favorable change of the course was considered due to the effect of streptomycin once at least for the time being, though any precise evalution was found difficult.

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