Online ISSN : 2185-0976
Print ISSN : 0037-4342
ISSN-L : 0037-4342
老人性白斑に就いて (第2報)
小原 俊夫
ジャーナル フリー

1956 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 218-222


(I) As to the frequency of occurence of senile lhucoderma, the author found that it first occurs at the age of thirties in male and at the age of forties in female. The frequency of the occurence gradually increases thereafter, and it is found in almost every individual, male and female, at the age of fifties, though certain difference in the number between both sexes. Above the age of 60-70, it can be said with certainty that leucoderma appears in every individual. It appears earlier in male than in female. As senile Physiology indicates, it appears earlier in male as one of the senile phenomena.
(II) According to the determination with petechiometer, the rate of appearance of petechia is larger in the individuals who has senile leucoderma. This leads to the assumption that the resistance of capillaries in such individuals is weaker. As reported in the previous paper by the author, hewever, no evidence suggestive of any histological changes was observed.
(III) Epinephirin test or other tests, did not indicate any significant correlationship between their positivities and the frequency of the occurence of senile leucoderma.
(IV) As to its relat on to the vegetative nerves, it was found that 8 out of 10 cases were demonstrating tension in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
(V) As the sesult of functional test of skin, especially of the methylene blue test, the diminution in the oxidation-reduction capacity of the skin was presumed to be related, to a certain extent, to the mechanism of the occurence of senile leucoderma.
(VI) the results of the starch test (perspiration test) at the local skin of the senile leucoderma were normal in all cases.
(VII) The author could not recognize any chromatophores in the corium at the local skin of senile leucoderma, but could find them in the surrounding skin.
(VIII) Dopa reactions were conducted on the carbo-wax treated histological sections, and so-called “branched cells” were found in the skin surrounding the leucoderma but not a single cell was found in the leucoderma.

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