Bulletin of JSME
Online ISSN : 1881-1426
Print ISSN : 0021-3764
The Wall-Jet on a Circular Cylinder Immersed in Uniform Flow
ジャーナル フリー

1974 年 17 巻 110 号 p. 1030-1039


The theories have been developed on the flow with tangential injection of air on a surface of a cylinder, for the sake of which the jet was divided into two parts, namely, the boundary layer and the mixing region. There have been derived three kinds of systems of differential equations under various assumptions such that the first method ignores the curvature of the wall and assumes the conservation of momentum in the mixing region, the second method takes into account the curvature and the conservation of angular momentum and the third method assumes that 〓≠0 in addition to the assumptions in the second method. It is concluded from the comparison of calculation with experiment that the curvature of the wall should not be ignored and that the second or third method well predicts a separation point for adequate pressure gradient.

© The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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