1987 Volume 30 Issue 270 Pages 1919-1927
The characteristics of the aerodynamic interblade interaction of the vibrating cascade in transonic flow are examined by a "one-blade oscillation method" and some aspects of aerodynamic interblade interaction which are hidden in case of the conventional "all-blades vibration method" are clarified. In the report, the effects of the compressibility of the flow on the aerodynamic interactions are clarified and the reasons why the characteristics of the aerodynamic damping of the uniform cascade are varied with the Mach number, reduced frequency and interblade phase angle are elucidated.
JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
JSME International Journal Series A Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
JSME international journal. Ser. C, Dynamics, control, robotics, design and manufacturing
JSME international journal. Ser. 3, Vibration, control engineering, engineering for industry
JSME international journal. Ser. A, Mechanics and material engineering
JSME international journal. Ser. 1, Solid mechanics, strength of materials