JSME international journal. Ser. 2, Fluids engineering, heat transfer, power, combustion, thermophysical properties
Print ISSN : 0914-8817
Response of a Nonviscous Liquid Column and Layer with Anchored Liquid Surface to Axial Excitation
Helmut F. BAUER
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 34 巻 4 号 p. 474-481


The response of an axially excited cylindrical liquid column consisting of frictionless and incompressible liquid has been investigated for a harmonic excitation. The column is located between two discs such that the free liquid surface exhibits there a stuck-edge boundary condition. Free surface displacement and velocity response have been determined. The results will be used for the efficient planning of the "LICOR" experiments in the second German Spacelab mission (D-2).

© The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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