Online ISSN : 2424-2829
セッションID: 1E34
1E34 負圧負荷による血圧無負荷血管形状推定法の開発と検証
余 明山本 創太大島 まり
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


It is necessary to know the dynamics in vivo to predict vascular disease such as Arteriosclerosis, Aneurysm. As previous works, many researcher did FE analysis by using image based model to reproduce in vivo environment. However, Initial condition is unknown from image based model so that estimation of initial condition should be considered. A negative pressure loading analysis method to estimate zero-pressure state of vessel was developed as previous research. In this method, hypothetical material is filled inside the vessel wall to restraint buckling. Therefore, appropriate material which is able to restraint buckling although allowing wall deformation must be defined. In this study we validated this method to see the relationship of material property and wall thickness ratio. We built different wall thickness ratio models and found appropriate material for filling by compression analysis. Finally, we compared One is reproducing internal load test by filled model to see the effects of filling. The direction of how to define the material of appropriate material was shown in this research.

© 2016 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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