Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 3114
3114 機械製品のライフサイクル設計のための3Rの視点からの最適化手法
土井 健志吉村 允孝西脇 眞二泉井 一浩
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This study presents a method that yields quantitative solutions through optimization analysis of a conceptual product design incorporating lifecycle considerations. We consider two types of optimization approaches from the view point of the 3R concept that have different aims, namely, (1) to reduce the use of materials and energy consumption, and (2) to facilitate the reuse of the product or its parts after the end of its useful life. We also focus on how the optimization results differ according to the approach used, and obtain optimum solutions by evaluating objectives fitted to each of these two approaches with respect to the product's lifecycle stages, which are manufacturing, use, maintenance, disposal, reuse and recycling. As an applied example, a simple linear robot model is presented, and Pareto optimum solutions are obtained for the two-objective optimization problem whose evaluated objectives are the operating accuracy and the different lifecycle costs for the two approaches. The characteristics of the evaluated objectives and design variables, as well as the effects of using material properties as design parameters, are also examined.

© 2008 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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