Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 2410
2410 ライフサイクルシナリオに基づく製品設計のための計算機環境の開発 : 第1報 シナリオとの連携による製品モデルの段階的詳細化(OS12-3 ライフサイクル設計とサービス工学III,OS12 ライフサイクル設計とサービス工学)
福重 真一國井 英輔梅田 靖川田 康毅
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Minimizing environmental loads and costs throughout a product lifecycle requires appropriate lifecycle design as well as the design of the product itself. Design of a product involves planning lifecycle strategies, evaluating it from various viewpoints and optimizing the overall picture based on the product and market properties. Product lifecycle strategy can be planned by describing lifecycle scenarios at an early stage and the product architecture should be designed so as to realize the scenario. In this paper, we propose a design support method for product structure design based on lifecycle scenarios. Our method links a lifecycle flow, as a central model of a lifecycle scenario, to product structure by unifying components that go through the same path in the lifecycle flow. The designed structure, therefore, leads to easy management of components throughout the lifecycle and reduce the environmental loads and the costs of lifecycle processes.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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