Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 1104
1104 概念設計における分解性を考慮したレイアウト設計手法(OS9-1 ライフサイクル設計とサービス工学I 環境配慮設計)
堀内 元小林 正和東 正毅
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Recently, there are many environmental problems so that a designer must design a product considering environmental friendly. The layout design is a process which decides the spatial relation of component. The spatial relation affects product cost, size, function and disassemblability. Thus, in order to improve the disassemblability, a designer must improve the product layout. But there is hardly previous works of layout design considering disassemblability. This paper proposes a new layout design method considering disassemblability in conceptual design phase. In this paper, we use Sequence-Triple to express 3D layout design. Also in order to evaluate disassemblability of the layout, we propose "disassembly sequence depth". We define the disassemblability for objective function and address layout optimization using GA in order to maximize the objective function. Due to demonstrate the proposal method and confirm its effectiveness, this paper describes case study, which is laptop design.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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