Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 1408
1408 自動二輪車用ヘッドアップディスプレイの提示コンテンツ設計(OS11-1 ヒューマンインタフェース・ユーザビリティI,OS11 ヒューマンインタフェース・ユーザビリティ)
伊藤 研一郎立山 義祐西村 秀和小木 哲朗
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In this paper, we discuss about the amount of navigation information to provide to the driver using the head-up display car navigtion for motorcycle. From our previous research, we confirmed presenting symbolic information like arrows can navigate for a specific crossroad. It is clear that only providing one arrow of information is not enough to actually navigate the motorcycle driver. To provide enough geographical information, usages of letters are necessary. Although, we need to consider not to provide too much information, since we do not wish the driver taking too much time looking at the provided information rather than looking at the road or the traffic environment. To confirm the proper information amount, we conducted a motorcycle simulator experiment in the immersive CAVE environment using the head-up display. The subject was provided information in Japanese Hiragana while driving the motorcycle simulator in a virtual test course. We used an eye mark recorder to measure the subject's viewpoint to calculate the duration spent for the presented information. From the experiment, we conclude that the preferable amount of information to provide while driving is 4 letters of Hiragana.

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