Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 2212
2212 コンビナートの事業連携 : RING(石油化学コンビナート高度統合運営技術研究組合)の事例を中心に(OS15-2 技術経営2,OS15 技術経営)
稲葉 和也
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In my paper, the approach and ways of the high-level integration for group operation in petrochemical complex are analyzed, the meaning of the plan is declared, and the economy that arises from the group operation business is examined. The 'common integration' is defined as the concept of presenting economic effects, observed from the development of complexes in Japan, caused by group operation. I describe the formation and development of petrochemical complex in Japan, and the approach and ways of business cooperation in petrochemical complex. RING is taken as the primary case. RING is an organization with the help of government subsidies for the purpose of the competitive edge strengthening and the reorganization of petrochemical complexes. RING was established in order to find new methods of integrated management, develop some latest technologies, and aim at efficiency improvement and optimization. The meaning of RING projects will be asserted. Cooperation with some businesses would be effective for energy conservation and environmental measures, and would advance the possibility to achieve social interests. Also, group operation would break the stoppage and promote innovations of manufacturing technology one after another.

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