Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 1104

デザイン発想支援のためのΔDesign Map の提案
小柳 智之村上 存
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Recently, product market is entering maturity stage, and many products are commoditized. While conventional ways of product development which is successive functional improvement of prior product cannot break down products’ commoditization, innovation and creativity which offers differentiating features that allows for premium pricing is required. The product innovation is mainly driven by functional design: upper process and critical factor in product designing process. In order to support functional design in products, methods of idea generation are expected to be mover for innovation. However, most of the methods’ outcomes are dependent on designers generating ideas, and there is no assurance of coincidence with users’ evaluation on the idea. In this paper, we introduce ΔDesign Map: product database which is composed of product information written from the viewpoint of structure, behavior, function and user experience, and compare the evaluation between designers and users.

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