Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 1201

*福田 収一
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


Traditional engineering has focused on artificial things. But we should pay attention to natural things, too. We are currently making efforts to get to the goal faster and in a more effective way. In short, current engineering is tactics-focused. But if we consider that environments and situations change frequently, extensively and in an unpredictable manner, we should pay more attention to strategy. We should go wider and wider. Therefore, this paper takes up instinct. Although there are studies about it, they discuss only its sensory functions. But from the broader point of view, instinct plays a more important role. It helps us perceive the environment and situation correctly and helps us make an adequate decision to move appropriately. The octopus demonstrates what an important role an instinct plays. But to utilize it, we need to free ourselves from the Euclidean Space constraints, i.e., orthonormality and distance with units. Euclidean Space Approach works very well for a small number of dimensions, but when it becomes very large in the Real World, the curse of dimensionality emerges, and we cannot solve the problem. To deal with this difficulty, Non-Euclidean Space Approach is introduced in this study and performance indicator to help instinct is proposed which combines ordinal scale Mahalanobis Distance and pattern.

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